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Must Have Essentials for Building Your Home Gym


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The home gym can be a blessing for any busy parent or student, those who can’t afford (don’t want to spend ridiculous money on) monthly gym memberships, winter weather hibernators, or anyone who wants to workout in the comfort of their own home. The following items make a great edition to any home workout room!

1. Bosu: The Bosu can kick up any exercise into a fun and challenging workout. Stand on the ball while doing squats to engage your core for a full body workout or balance on it during your planks for an extra challenge! Get your Bosu here.

2. Dumbbells: Dumbbells are the perfect tool to get those toned, sexy arms. Pick up a set in different weights to challenge yourself and switch up your routine! Get your weights here.

3. Mat: Every home gym needs a thick mat to do floor exercises, stretches, yoga, Pilates, and more. I always make sure mine is extra thick to give extra support to my back. I also make sure my mat is made out of stable material so the extra thickness doesn’t cause me to wobble. Get your extra thick mat here!

4. Stability Ball: A stability ball is another great and versatile tool for the home gym. You can incorporate this ball into squats, ab exercises, wall sits, and more! Get your stability ball here!

5. Medicine Ball: Medicine balls are a great way to add intensity to any workout. Hold the ball during squats or lunges or use it to add weight to your waist shrinking wood chops! Get your medicine ball here!

6. HDTV: Most home workouts will have you following a DVD or fitness routine from YouTube or Pinterest. Having these workouts on a large enough screen in front of you will help you stay focused, stay on program, and make keeping up easier. Get your HDTV here!

7. TRX: Always wanted to try those TRX gym classes but don’t have the time or money for them? This amazing, portable TRX set lets you torch calories, build strength, power and mobility from any door in your home. Get the TRX system here!

8. Jump Rope: This simple toy is a mega calorie burner and can be done just about anywhere! Also, $1 of each purchase of this jump rope goes to Prostate & Breast Cancer research. Buy your jump rope here!

9. Resistance Bands: Bands are a great way to add variety to your strength training routine. While they take up little space, bands can add variety to your workouts and are a great way to get lean and toned muscles. Get your bands here!

10. The Step: This adjustable bench is the perfect aerobics, for step-ups and as a bench for tri-dips, chest press and even push ups. Get your step here!

11. Gliding Discs: Add these discs for variations in your planks, pushups, mountain climbers and more! Get your discs here!

12. Body Fat Calculator: Track your progress by measuring inches and body fat lost. Get your calculator here!

13. Foam Roller: Your muscles need a little R&R after tough workouts. Nothing relaxes muscles more than rolling out the tension and lactic acid with a foam roller. Get your roller here!

14. Interlocking Floor Mats: If you have free weights, cardio machines, or if you plan on jumping around during your exercises, rubber floor mats are an amazing essentials. Not only do they protect your floor, but they limit the sound made and work as a mat. Get your mats here!

15. Ballet Bar: Let’s face it, Barre classes give your body a total workout, but the classes can be insanely expensive, even for just one. Get your favorite Barre DVD and this ballet bar and take this pricey workout at home! Get your ballet bar here!

16. HRM Watch: If you’re working hard to get that body into bikini shape then you need a HRM. Not only will it ensure that you’re keeping within your fat-burning zone, it will even let you know how many calories you burned during your workout! Get your HRM here!

17. Mini Stepper Machine: If your home gym doesn’t have a ton of space or are looking for a cardio machine that is portable, look no further. This mini stepper burns calories, takes up minimal space, and can be easily stored. Get your stepper here!

18. Stationary Bike: Take your spin classes home with the space saving bike. Pop in your favorite cycling DVD and get a great workout for a fraction of the class price! Get your bike here!

19. Mini Stereo: Best part of working out at home? Pumping up your music without headphones falling out! This cute mini stereo pumps our your favorite tunes without missing a beat. Get your stereo here!

20. Fan: Keep the air moving no matter where you work out with a fan. Get your fan here!

21. Calendar: Keep track of your workouts with this hanging dry erase calendar! Get your calendar here!

22. Kettle Bells: Kettlebell training develops strength, power, endurance and balance which will sculpt and tone the entire body.  Get your Kettle Bells here!

22. Interval Timer: Keep track of your HIIT or bodyweight circuits with this interval timer. Get your interval timer here!

23. Lebert Equalizer: Add this amazing equalizer to exercises such as tricep dips and elevated push ups, to take your muscle toning to a whole new level. Get yours here in pink, here in lime green or here in yellow!)

