Why Walking is the Easiest & Fastest Way to Lose Weight (Hot Girl Walks are Good for your Health!)

If you’re looking for an exercise that’s easy on your joints and muscles, walking is a great choice. It’s convenient too: you can do it almost anywhere and at any time of day. And while it may not sound like much of a workout, the truth is that walking can burn calories and improve other aspects of your health.

If you’re trying to lose weight or are just starting out with exercise, walking can be a good place to start. But even if you’ve been training for marathons since high school, there are plenty of reasons why walking might still be right for you as well! Here are some reasons why I think we should all consider adding some extra steps into our daily lives:

Walking is convenient.

Walking is convenient. You can walk anywhere, at any time, and in any weather. Plus, you don’t even need to leave your house or look presentable! And if you need company on the way to work or while running errands around town, all you need to do is ask someone—there’s almost always someone willing to join in on a stroll (a benefit that doesn’t come with biking).

It can burn calories.

Walking is a great way to burn calories. According to the American Council on Exercise, walking at a moderate pace for one hour burns about 400 calories. That’s more than you’d burn in an hour of sitting—and even more than you’d burn watching TV or playing video games. If you’re looking for an easy way to lose weight, walking could be your answer.

It’s especially helpful if your goal is maintenance rather than weight loss: research has found that people who are active tend to weigh less than those who aren’t as active and tend not to regain lost weight after dieting (or not dieting). So if your goal is simply staying at the weight that works best for you, then walking twice a day will help make sure nothing changes!

The Ultimate Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide & Grocery List
My Walking Must-Haves!
Why A Rebounder (Mini Trampoline) Is the Best At Home Workout for Weight loss, Fat loss, Lymphatic Drainage and More! The Definitive Guide for Rebounders

It can be social.

Walking is a great way to socialize. You can meet people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds while on your walk. It’s also a great way to make new friends of the opposite sex or same sex if you have trouble meeting them otherwise!

It gets easier with practice.

When you first start walking, it can be a real challenge to keep up with the pace of other walkers. But, as you practice more and more, you will gradually become more accustomed to walking at a brisk pace. After some time has passed, this form of physical activity will come naturally to your body.

This is because walking is a skill—one that requires practice if one wishes to master it fully. The more frequently and consistently you exercise your legs by taking long walks on a regular basis, the better they will become at supporting you as well as helping keep your heart healthy and strong!

It’s free, and you don’t need any equipment.

The best part about walking is that it’s probably one of the most affordable forms of exercise. You don’t need any special equipment to get started, and you can do it anywhere and anytime. You can walk by yourself or with a friend, and if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even take your dog!

There are also plenty of ways to make walking more fun than mere exercise: try taking a scenic route on your next walk; pack some water bottles for a long hike; or bring along some music for an energetic jog in the park.

Walking can be a meditative or reflective experience.

Walking can be a meditative or reflective experience. It’s a great way to clear your head, get some quiet time, and reflect on the day or the week ahead. You may even experience moments of peace and calm while walking around in nature—something that’s become more difficult due to our high-stress lifestyles.

Raw data about walking for recovery from serious illness or injury is limited and sometimes contradictory.

Walking is one of the most common activities for everyday people, but it’s also a useful form of exercise for those who are recovering from serious illness or injury. Walking has been shown to improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels in people with chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. It can help people with chronic pain from back and neck problems, arthritis and other conditions; studies have found that walking reduces pain by as much as 45 percent after just four weeks.

Getting outside in nature may have mental and physical health benefits.

You can get all of these benefits by simply taking a walk in a local park or natural area. But if you’re afraid of getting lost, don’t worry—you can find trails that show you where to go and how long they are. Just use your smartphone to find them and bring it along with you on your walk!

You might even be able to get some exercise while having fun at the same time: if there are hills nearby, try walking up them (don’t run). This can help improve both strength and endurance.

Walking is a good exercise for people of all skill levels to get out, get moving and get healthy.

If you’re looking for a good way to get healthier, walking is the perfect exercise. You can do it anywhere and at any time of day, which makes it easy to fit into your busy schedule. Walking is also low impact, making it ideal for people of all skill levels.

While walking may not be as intense as running or lifting weights, there are still many benefits that come from regular walks—for example:

  • A healthier body: While you’re burning calories on your walk, you’ll also be reducing stress and helping keep blood pressure under control. All this adds up to longer life expectancy!
  • A calmer mind: Research shows that regular aerobic activity like walking can help reduce symptoms of depression by 30%. What’s more, studies have shown that daily brisk walks could improve cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). And if those weren’t enough reasons yet…


Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that walking is a great way to be healthy. It’s convenient, can burn calories and get easier with practice—and it doesn’t require any equipment or even much time. Walking outdoors in nature may have mental and physical health benefits as well. And if you don’t have time for a full walk, try doing some stretches instead!

Hey! Thinking about trying the Keto diet? I’d love to help! I’ve lost over 65 pounds doing Keto and have kept it off! Take a look at my Ultimate Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide & Food List, take a spin through my Pinterest page, checkout my Fast Food Keto Guide, or click on an e-book below! Each ebook has 30 recipes with 5 ingredients & are 5 grams of net carbs or fewer! Right now they are on SALE for $9.99 each! Talk about a no-brainer.

So you can choose 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner & 1 dessert from their Keto in Five cookbooks and know you’re under your daily carb limit for the day!

#keto #lowcarb #ebooks #recipes #hotgirlwalks #walkingforweightloss #walking

Why A Rebounder (Mini Trampoline) Is the Best At Home Workout for Weight loss, Fat loss, Lymphatic Drainage and More! The Definitive Guide for Rebounders

Trampoline jumping isn’t just for kids anymore! In my search to find a workout that I love and works with my arthritis (let me know if you want a deep dive into my arthritis journey since being diagnosed at 26!), I have tried it all. Some I have liked and some I loathed but one that I loved is rebounding. Rebounder workouts not only aid in weight loss, but a ton more benefits discussed below.

The Benefits of Rebounder Workouts
Rebounding is basically just jumping on small trampoline. Literally that’s it! Rebounding is great because it is easy on your joints. So if you like running – run in place on your rebounder! Like jumping rope – just jump on your rebounder! Want to get in all your steps but don’t feel safe walking around outside or the weather is keeping you inside? Get your steps on your rebounder! Seriously, this little piece of equipment is a game changer when it comes to getting your heart rate up.

Rebounder trampoline workouts can also improve balance which I absolutely need with my arthritis, works to make your body stronger (hello long, lean lines and muscle), body composition, running and cardio performance, and can give the mental clarity that comes with an exercise regime. It also can increase bone density and bone strength which is the perfect for us as we age. Tests have also shown that rebounding workouts can help keep blood glucose within healthy ranges, even if you don’t have type 2 diabetes.

Lymphatic drainage and all the benefits from it are another great benefit to a rebounding workout. In just a 10-15 minute gentle bouncing session (so nothing too strenuous) can kickstart your lymph system and increasing your lymph flow up to 15x greater than normal. What this means for your body is a boost in immunity, removal of harmful toxins, and can even help slow down signs of aging which means tighter and glowy skin.

Another great benefit to rebounding? Weight loss! Rebounders are a great tool for weight loss. A 20-30 minute gentle rebounding workout (so just jumping, nothing fancy) can burn just as much calories as running at a high speed in that same time frame. It also helps create lean muscle in your legs and butt so not only will you sculpt a gorgeous lower body but the muscle will help burn even more calories in the long run.

According to BCAN, 10 minutes of bouncing exercise equals 1-hour jogging, 30 minutes cycling or 20 minutes swimming. Can’t beat that!

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The Ultimate Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide & Grocery List
Why Walking is the Easiest & Fastest Way to Lose Weight (Hot Girl Walks are Good for your Health!)


There are a ton of rebounders out on the market now because of the popularity. I have tried a few and these are the ones that I think are worth it and why. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below! Pro tip – if you live in an apartment are worried about your neighbors below, I recommend getting this mat to put underneath it. It is totally optional as the trampolines really don’t make much noise, but it gave me peace of mind to know I am not disturbing anyone while I workout.

Stamina InTone Oval Jogger (35% off right now!)
Holds up to 250lbs
This is one of my favorites for a beginner or someone with bad balance or just someone nervous to jump on a trampoline since it has handle bars.  The handlebars are clutch for beginners because you can get the rhythm for jumping with the security of still being able to hold onto something. It also helps that the jump space is a little bigger than most rebounders with 48 inches. It also has a counter on it that records the amount of jumps you take and calories burned. It also comes with attached resistance bands if you want to level up your workout with extra resistance training.

You can buy or get more info here.

BCAN Foldable Mini Trampoline
Holds up to 330lbs

This BCAN rebounder (which is the top rated rebounder on Amazon!) is perfect. It folds so it is perfect for the home or a small apartment if you don’t want it out when you are not working out on it. It also has a handlebar for beginners or those that need extra stability that can be removed as well! It is also a smooth jump because of the closed spring design which also makes it easy to put together as well!

You Can Buy or Get More Info Here.

JumpSport 350/370/570 PRO Indoor Heavy Duty Fitness Trampoline
Holds 300+lbs

My all around pick is the JumpSport PRO for various reasons:
LARGE FRAME AREA TO WORK OUT: 39-inch frame provides a large surface area with lots of freedom to move
CUSTOMIZABLE TENSION SETTINGS: 7 adjustable tension settings that allow changes to mat firmness for a customized bounce
SILENT: Virtually silent and wonderfully smooth, cushioned, yet lively bounce
STABLE LEGS: Arched legs provide stability and resist tipping for added safety

The only cons are that it doesn’t fold (which isn’t too bad since it fits in my closet and that there is no handlebar (I have balance issues so like that extra bit of stability but again, not a dealbreaker).

You Can Buy or Get More Info Here.

Hey! Thinking about trying the Keto diet? I’d love to help! I’ve lost over 65 pounds doing Keto and have kept it off! Take a look at my Ultimate Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide & Food List, take a spin through my Pinterest page, checkout my Fast Food Keto Guide, or click on an e-book below! Each ebook has 30 recipes with 5 ingredients & are 5 grams of net carbs or fewer! Right now they are on SALE for $9.99 each! Talk about a no-brainer.

So you can choose 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner & 1 dessert from their Keto in Five cookbooks and know you’re under your daily carb limit for the day!

#keto #lowcarb #ebooks #recipes

10 Veggie Winter Soup (Keto, Whole30, Paleo)

10 Veggie Soup! (Well 9 veggie soup because I forgot to get spinach 🙄) All the non starchy veggies I could fit into my pot plus a container of brodo and a sprinkle of parm. This keto soup is perfect to warm you up on a cold day and keep you fill for hours.

This recipe is also perfect for anyone under the weather or suffering from the dreaded Keto Flu.

What You’ll Need
1 container Brodo Hearth Bone Broth
1 container crushed tomatoes
1 head celery
2 carrots
1 fennel bulb
1 onion
1 bag frozen chopped string beans
2 zucchini
3 cloves garlic
1 cup Palmini rice
1 tbsp dried basil
1 tbsp dried oregano
2 big pinches of pink salt
Fresh cracked pepper
Sprinkle of parmesan cheese (optional)

What To Do
Dice all the veggies into bite size pieces. Add a tablespoon of oil to your post and sauté the celery, garlic, and onion. Once fragrant, add all the veggies and seasoning. Stir until veggies soften then add the broth. Simmer for about 20 minutes then enjoy!

This keto soup is super transformational as well. Feel free to add sugar-free sausage, ground meat or other protein to help bulk the soup up. Let me know how you make it in the comments below!

Hey! Thinking about trying the Keto diet? I’d love to help! I’ve lost over 65 pounds doing Keto and have kept it off! Take a look at my Ultimate Keto Diet Beginner’s Guide & Food List, take a spin through my Pinterest page, check out my Guide to Fast Food on Keto, or click on an e-book below! Each ebook has 30 recipes with 5 ingredients & are 5 grams of net carbs or fewer! Right now they are on SALE for $9.99 each! Talk about a no-brainer.

So you can choose 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner & 1 dessert from their Keto in Five cookbooks and know you’re under your daily carb limit for the day!

#keto #lowcarb #ebooks #recipes